Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ansley: Four Months Old

Well sweet Ansley, I am a little late on this update….partially because things have been busy with the end of the school year but also because your four month check up was scheduled a little late so we could go and see our favorite pediatrician, Dr. Barr.

You are now able to turn from back to front and front to back without a problem.  You don't do it often, because most of the time you are perfectly content laying on your back and smiling at anyone that will talk to you.  You have also started laughing occasionally.  Maysie's favorite song to sing to you is Hush Little Baby, and since mama had to improvise when teaching her the words, it goes something like this…

Hush little baby don't say a word, mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.  And if that mockingbird don't sing, mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.  And if that diamond ring don't shine, mama's going to buy you a bottle of wine.

Not one of my proudest parenting moments.

You are sleeping through the night with no problem and we have recently moved you to the 4 hour EASY schedule.

7:00 wake and feed
9:00 nap
11:00 wake and feed
1:00 nap
3:00 wake and feed
5:00 nap
6:00 wake up
7:00 feed and bath
7:30 bedtime
9:00 dreamfeed

You are growing so fast that Dr. Barr has allowed us to move you to regular formula. She also suggested that we start feeding you rice cereal.  Regular formula…check.  Rice cereal can wait a few more weeks.

Here are your four month stats:

weight: 14 pounds 9 ounces - 59th percentile
height: 25 1/2 inches - 90th percentile
head circumference - 16 1/4 inches - 70th percentile


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