Saturday, April 5, 2014

Ansley: Three Months Old

What a month of milestones!

At 2 1/2 months, you rolled over for the first time and just to prove that it wasn't a fluke, you did it about ten more times over the next week.  Then, you decided to stop.  Just fine with me, I was having visions of a walking ten month old.

In your two month old post, I mentioned that you were sleeping 5 - 6 hours stretches at night.  Unfortunately, this all went away after daylight savings time.  That is, until I talked to my neighbor Amy.  Her daughter had been sleeping through the night since she was something crazy like 3 weeks old and, after four kids, she must know what she is doing.  So on March 26th, I borrowed her swaddle, the Woombie, and you have been sleeping through the night ever since.

We are following the Baby Whisperer and have been using the EASY schedule for the past two months:

6:00 - Wake and Feed
7:30 - Nap
9:00 - Wake and Feed
10:30 - Nap
12:00 - Wake and Feed
1:30 - Nap
3:00 - Wake and Feed
4:30 - Nap
6:00 - Wake and Feed
6:30 - Bath
8:00 - Feed (You don't like to take naps in this time period)
8:30 - Bed
10:00 - Dream Feed

You went on your first boat ride and either you aren't a water person or the life jacket was choking you.  Jury is still out on that one.

No baby stats this month but I am excited to see how much you have grown at your four month appointment.  Hopefully we will graduate on from the Neosure to regular formula!

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