Thursday, January 30, 2014

Winter Storm Leon

I guess I spoke too soon about the girls being disappointed by the lack of snow earlier this month.  Winter Storm Leon came way too fast and in less than three hours, Atlanta was at a standstill.  Lucky for us, we were safe and sound at home and Paul even got to stay at home to enjoy the snow since the ZBB tour dates were postponed.  You know it is bad when these concerts get postponed…these guys travel in some pretty rough conditions!

School was dismissed at 12:15 on Tuesday and snow was already starting to stick when Railey got off the school bus.  That afternoon, the kids had snowball fights, went sledding and made snow angels.

The next morning Railey was ready to go!  She left the house at 8:30 and only came in for 20 minutes around lunchtime to eat.  I can't figure out if she wanted to play in the snow or avoid me trying to make her do homework.  Even my homebody Maysie only took a two hour break to warm up!  Annie ventured out into the snow, at least for a little bit, and she looks even cuter in these snow pictures!

While we were safe and sound at home, it was an absolute mess on the roads.  We live right off Johnson Ferry and this was on TV.  Friends were having to abandon their cars and walk home…it really was horrible.

Around 4:00, the husbands all decided that a bonfire was in order.  But I have been a bit preoccupied and forgot to order more wood.  The guys decided to channel their inner redneck and figured out the perfect solution…burn furniture, cabinets and anything else around the house that we don't want anymore.

Let's just say that I was inside when Paul decided to bring out the fireworks.

1 comment:

  1. okay ,that's awesome!
    1. Love raileys short hair too
    2. annie is precious- i take it back: you totally should have gotten a puppy when you were pregnant with the third
    3. great job keeping up your blog. You make me proud
