Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Question of the Day

Every day at school, Railey's teachers ask her the question of the day when she walks into the classroom. Once she decides her answer, she has to take a clothes pin and put it either on yes or no. Today, I walked her into school and noticed that all of the other clothes pins were already on yes. Being nosy, I waited to hear the question. Miss Sue: Railey, have you ever helped your parents rake the yard? Railey quickly took her clothes pin and put it on no. So, I decided that I would have to fix this immediately and came home to start on some yard work so that Railey could help me finish up after school. I cranked up the blower and proceeded to blow all of the leaves from our front yard into a pile...a BIG pile. Before she could start her work, Railey decided to play in the leaves. I got my camera out thinking that she would jump in the leaf pile, throw them around and I might get some cute pictures. In true Railey style, she walked up to the pile (did I mention is was enormous?), stood at the edge and fell face first...loving every minute of it.
To make the day even more fun, our neighbor Colette came out to join us.
Twenty bags of leaves later, mission accomplished.
Let's just hope that tomorrow's question is, "Have you ever played in a pile of leaves"

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