Saturday, April 30, 2011

Country Life

My oh my how things have changed in the past week. We sold our house in Atlanta this past Thursday and will be living at the lake house in Monticello, GA until June 22nd.

Yesterday, we drove to our local Target (30 miles away) and you can't even imagine how excited I was when I found out they sold beer and wine. So I came home, poured myself a glass of wine, and Railey went outside to play with her new friend Payton. That's right, I was FINALLY able to let her go outside alone (even if it was only for ten minutes until Sara Mays woke up).

Today, we rode our bike up and down the street, walked up a dirt path to look at the power lines, found a snail that Railey wanted to keep as her pet (the answer was no), painted animal figurines, watched the neighbors build a fire to burn leaves, played with the neighbors dog, and my personal favorite, I looked out the window into the backyard only to catch Railey with her pants down peeing in the yard. Nothing but class....and don't worry mom, I explained that she needed to use the potty next time.

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