Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Today was a big day at the Chanon household. This morning started bright and early with Railey screaming my name through the monitor. After ten minutes of waking up (6:00 a.m. Is REALLY early for me) I went downstairs to find that her diaper had barely leaked onto her bed. She overreacted a bit but I put my foot down and decided that I am finally going to enter into the final stages of potty training. Nothing but laziness has kept me from doing this over the past nine months but I will maintain that the pregnancy and new baby is why I waited so task is to take pacifiers away at night...but I digress.

The early morning wake up call motivated me to decide that there are no more pull ups during nap time. First day...success!!!

The second thing that happened today was that Railey got Squirt, a beta fish. Apparently her other three pets just weren't cutting it so I am glad that this fish will finally make her life complete. Poor deprived Railey.

When we went to Petco to get the dogs groomed Railey saved the day. The big turtle was attacking the small turtles and Railey told someone who took the big turtle to the back of the store. She said that she felt like the Wonder Pets saving the day....too cute.

On a more serious note, tomorrow we take Sara Mays to the hospital to get an xray to see if she has DDH like Railey. She is showing no signs so far after an exam by her pediatrician but they suggested she get it checked out because her chances of having it are increased because her big sis had it.

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