Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Believe it or not, I have never liked speaking in front of crowds. There are probably a bunch of people out there who would swear otherwise but I really get nervous when all of the attention is on me. Up until a few days ago, I thought that Railey had inherited this unfortunate trait from me. I think I might have been wrong.

This past weekend, Poppy (my father) took Railey to the Jr. Museum which is a natural habitat zoo in Tallahassee. Right when she got back from this trip, Tutu (my mother) and I loaded her up in the car to make the trip back to Atlanta. She fell asleep immediately and when she woke up we started asking questions about her trip, thinking that we were going to hear about the bears, alligators or other animals she had seen along the way.

Not even close, Railey talked about dancing. She did mention that they saw deer, squirrels and alligators but the highlight of her day was dancing in front of everyone. Railey could barely contain herself when she told me and Tutu about how she would dance and then everyone in the audience would cheer for her. I couldn't believe my ears....Railey typically gets embarrassed when she is the center of attention.

Later that day, once Railey had gone to sleep, I asked my father about Railey's dancing and wanted to know how she made it up on to the stage to dance. He seemed very confused and when I explained Railey's version of the story, he couldn't stop laughing. It turns out that Railey was in fact dancing, but the applause from the audience came each time the jazz band that was performing finished a song. I can't even imagine the smile on her face when she thought that the audience enjoyed her dancing so much that they kept on clapping for her.

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