Monday, January 5, 2015

Ansley: One Year Old

Last month I used my last bit of Dreft and mixed my last bottle of formula.  These are milestones that I celebrated with Railey and Maysie, and still do now with Ansley, but with a little less enthusiasm because my last baby is growing up so fast.

Ansley you were the perfect completion to our family.  It is still hard to believe that we are a family of five, much less with three girls, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

You are happy, laid-back, and independent.  Showing all signs to be the confident girl that both of your big sisters are.  In the past month you have become a bit of a mama's girl and speak your mind when I decide to leave the room.  But once I am out of sight you go back to your old ways, and are able to hold your own in this crazy home.  

You are drinking whole milk now, but only a couple of bottles a day and we have moved away from baby food and you now eat real food.  Quesadillas, yogurt and mandarin oranges are some of your favorites.  Still NO teeth so we have to be a little cautious about what we feed you although I have no doubt that you could gum steak if we put it in front of you.

You are still taking two naps a day, although I have started to shorten your morning nap in hopes that the transition to one afternoon nap will be easy.  Current schedule is:

7:30 wake and feed breakfast
10:00 nap
11:30 wake and feed lunch
1:30 nap
4:00 ish wake and feed bottle
6:30 feed dinner
7:30 feed bottle then bed!

You are not walking yet, but why walk when mama carries you everywhere and you have two sisters to bring toys throughout the day?

We love you baby Ansley!  Happy birthday to YOU!

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